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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/19 in all areas

  1. Free LW/RW (C) for the next ECL. Contact here or psn: Anawaa
    4 points
  2. Free C/LW looking for a long-term starting role for future tournaments, contact here or PSN mikka249. Played SL & FCL in Invictus, last ECL w Reality Check HC.
    3 points
  3. Yesterday EA SPORTS released the most wanted thing of the summer by releasing the NHL 20 Open Beta. As always, there had been a lot of talk and rumours around the web on whether it would come out or not, but it eventually did and the first impressions around the community - especially after having been presented with a list of improvements since the beta - have been cautiously positive. The tuning to the left trigger, the new animations to the goalies and the revamped shooting especially around the 6vs6 game mode has been mostly received well. But it's still early on and we've barely scratched the surface. This is of course a beta and a lot of improvements are still to be made. As one of the biggest NHL gaming sites in the world - not to mention the amazing talent and passion of our community members - we want to help out. So here's the deal: We want to hear what you guys think, so we can forward it to the producers and developers at EA SPORTS in a well structured and articulated way. We hope you take some time and write about your experiences (both the good and the bad) and possible issues and solutions that you have run into and hopefully this will help us all get the greatest NHL version yet! In the case of reporting bugs, we also hope that you include screenshots or short video clips to explain them better. Even if someone else already posted the same bug - it might be worth getting a 2nd or 3rd example of it and perhaps from another angle. Please note that the official EA Answers HQ forum is also live and taking feedback and that is the official way of providing feedback of the beta. You can find it by clicking this text. We here at NHLGamer want to discuss these things as a group and compile the feedback and bugs to the developers in an easy to chew form. You may write your feedback in any format you want, but we have included the below structure, edited from last years version. NHL Ones NHL THREES Drop-In (Arcade Threes) EASHL Drop-Ins (Please specify if it is in 3s/6s/both) EASHL Club 3s EASHL Club 6s AI skaters in World of Chel (specify mode + how many AI) AI goalies in World of Chel (specify mode) AI goalies in EASHL (specify if in 3s/6s) Customization: Player Classes + Traits/Specializations Customization: Gear (Casual + Pro gear + Gear Bags) Other World of Chel related feedback Online Vs. AI Skaters in Online Vs. AI Goalies in Online Vs. Skating Hitting (Collision Physics) Pokechecking Shooting Offensive Play (i.e. how did it feel to play offense? How easy was it? Was there a skill gap? Were there limitations?) Defensive Play (i.e. how did it feel to play defense? How easy was it? Was there a skill gap? Were there limitations?) Human Goalies in EASHL The new presentation and scoreboard (if you're having problems with it, let us know if you did the configuration properly when starting the beta for the first time) Other (anything not covered here) We would prefer your thoughts in English, as it will make the process quicker and make for a better discussion here in the community, as all can participate. However, we know there are those who can express themselves better in their maternal language, so for this purpose, we have made this topic discussable in some more languages in their specific topics: English (this news story) Finnish German Russian Swedish
    2 points
  4. EASHL 6vs6 Boost goalies. Especially near post wtf? Tho I like that some of the direct shots go in now. -For some reason dressing room wont update in real time. You have to hit unready->ready to refresh and see that everyones is rdy or editing build etc. -Sometimes when editing build/opening bags in the dressing room and returning back to the room, you see only blank boxes and cant leave room or push ready. This is fixed when the room leader leaves the dressingroom. -when the intermission is on, there's something wrong with the audience voice settings. Its like 20 mental patients are shouting. - there should be an option to skip "play of the period" highlight. (long x push for example) - why is the scoreboard flashing when the powerplay is on or penalty coming 🙄. Maybe give option to make it stable. Theres lots of positive things. I like that the gamespeed feels faster now, play is more direct like in real nhl hockey and passes are better when u get to used to it. Shooting animations are working well and you cant pump speed with L2. Only thing im really worried about is the goalies. Otherwise it's fun to play. Hope they won't change it too much 😊.
    2 points
  5. Need to remove the scoreboard from bottom to top screen
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Вчера EA SPORTS выпустили самую желанную вещь лета, выпустив бета-версию NHL 20. Как всегда, в интернете было много разговоров и слухов о том, выйдет ли она или нет, но в конечном итоге это произошло, и первые впечатления от сообщества были положительными. Это конечно бета версия и много изменений еще предстоит сделать. Как один из крупнейших игровых сайтов NHL в мире - не говоря уже о удивительным таланте и страсти наших членов сообщества - мы хотим помочь. Итак, вот сделка: мы хотим услышать, что вы, ребята, думаете, а мы можем передать ее в EA SPORTS в хорошем виде. Мы надеемся, что вы потратите некоторое время и напишите о своем опыте (как хорошем, так и плохом), а также о возможных проблемах и решениях с которыми вы столкнулись и надеюсь это поможет нам получить лучшую версию NHL! NHL Ones NHL THREES случайка (Аркадные тройки) EASHL случайка (укажите, если это в 3на3/6на6/оба) EASHL Клуб 3на3 EASHL Клуб 6на6 Полевые боты в World of Chel (укажите режим + сколько ботов) Вратари боты в World of Chel (укажите режим) Вратари боты в EASHL (укажите, если в 3на3/6на6) Настройки: Классы игроков + Способности/Специализации Настройки: Форма (Обычная одежда + Профессионал + Хоккейные сумки) Другие отзывы о World of Chel Онлайн 1на1 Полевые боты в онлайн 1на1 Вратари боты в онлайн 1на1 Катание Удар (Физика Столкновений) Тычки клюшкой Броски Наступательная игра (то есть, как вы чувствовали себя играя в защите? Насколько это было легко? Был ли разрыв в навыках? Были ли ограничения? Оборонительная игра (то есть, как вы чувствовали себя в защите? Насколько это было легко? Был ли разрыв в навыках? Были ли ограничения? Новое табло Человеческие вратари в EASHL Другое (то что тут не спросили) Мы предпочли бы ваши мысли на английском языке, так как это сделает процесс более быстрым и сделает более приятным обсуждением здесь, в сообществе, поскольку все смогут участвовать. Тем не менее, мы знаем, что есть те, кто может лучше себя проявить на своем языке, поэтому для этой цели мы перевели эту тему на некоторые языки в их конкретных темах: Английский Финский Немецкий Русский Шведский Текст писал @Kenu Текст переводил @MAYZIIX
    1 point
  8. The NHL 20 Open Beta is available for download now on PS4 and XB1! https://store.playstation.com/en-fi/product/EP0006-CUSA16390_00-NHL2020BETAGAME1 https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/p/nhl-20-open-beta/bnlzc97wc6s9?activetab=pivot:overviewtab The download size for PS4 users will be 24.391GB. Whereas, users on the XB1 should expect to see the download only come to 22.98GB. While your download is in progress why not have a read through one of our most recent articles in which we went over what you should expect in the Beta, as well what changes did not make the final cut for it. Are you not able to play it yet? Do you have any questions about the beta? Please, feel free to ask in the comments below
    1 point
  9. These are purely my assumptions and guesses, but I believe there is a time-consuming process to get a product released on PSN and Xbox Live and they will have to go through testing etc. before actually being made available. While fixing bugs, you may also cause some new bugs to appear and e.g. cause a product to be less stable - which is fine during development, but might not pass quality assurance to be made available for the public. (Yes, yes, the NHL 19 dressing room still made it through 😅). That would be my guesses why the process goes like that. Same thing for when you create a demo of a game that is still in development - you have to choose a build to start working on the demo for, as it is a separate product that will have to go through testing and other processes before release. In the mean time the main product development may be continued with. Good question. I would guess the control scheme wants to be kept the same between game modes and afaik there are no more buttons available for use in versus. Would be great if you could bind your own buttons to avoid this thing in EASHL, though.
    1 point
  10. Logo for team "Butterfly Effect"
    1 point
  11. Free LD/RD for future tournaments. Prefer teams where players don't start to make suicides if we lose some games. Any role. Hmu 🙂😘
    1 point
  12. Solid goalie looks for at least ECL Pro team. I am looking forward to do tryouts where i can show you my skills. I also can play D or Wing. I am german and english speaking.
    1 point
  13. UKnighted HC is looking for active players . After 3 years of abstinence we are back and Looking for one German Speaking Winger & one Allrounder ( Winger & C ) Msg me here UKN - Twitter UKN - Facebook UKN - Twitch UKN - NHLGamer
    1 point
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