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Everything posted by Obagol

  1. Färjestad BK Transfers In : @Totalii from Checkmate @eBasstian from Växsjö lakers @affelj96 from Växsjö Lakers @Rundqviiist from Leksand Transfers out : @Pippo To Vesa Pompa @Dercie To Fa @pajenc To Fa
  2. Bucketeers is looking for a backup goalie
  3. Almost famous? Bucketeers? Two recent ones.. But i dont know?
  4. Oba 🙋🏻‍♂️🍆🍾 Free backup/starter for the spring cup (Spring cup only)
  5. Just 500 on a trip? 🤔 Sounds like a booring one..
  6. Buckets 🤩🤩🤩
  7. 🤩 SKY! Congrats! Enjoy your celebration this weekend 🍾🍻🍆
  8. Team Frosty 🐺⛄❄ Confirmed in: @JuizkiWelcome! 🍻 Confirmed out: @MehiissGood luck ✌
  9. Team Frosty 🐺⛄❄ is looking for backup G.
  10. Perfect fit! 🤩 #Makerustygreatagain
  11. Intense final! well deserved! Amazing season! Congrats Fila! 🏆🏆🏆🍾🍾🍾
  12. Team Frosty ☃️❄🌟💲 Confirmed transfer in : Drumroll.... Will_yo7 (FA) Mehiiss (FA) Confirmed transfer out : Wild_Rus Current roster : Forwards: Vilupoika, penantski, zipplayer, kenu, Rginnu Defenders: Azestine, Will_Yo7, Jaiken Goalies: Obagol, Mehiiss
  13. Team Frosty❄☃️🌟 Confirmed out : Nampa Mehiss Kaneyh Totalii Jyrkis Fakiri Sincos mpakku Confirmed in Wildrus Azestine Vilupoika Penatski Strumpan jaiken Current roster : Golies : Obagol , wildrus Defenders : Azestine, strumpan , jaiken Forwards : zipplayer, vilupoika, penantski, kenu, Rginnu
  14. Mmhh Pizza 😋😋 You teaser
  15. ⚔️Please make the buy in at least 1000€ So you have a good reason to be home playing this fucking game instead of going out clubibg and throwing away those money. Plus you dont have to cry like a baby in the sofa the day after feeling like a new pooped turd 🤕 #IHATESUNDAYS
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